Industry-leading Alien Quantitative Trading System

Quantitative trading system, also known as alien quantitative investment or quantum trading system, is a trading method based on mathematical models and extensive data analysis conducted freely by the Oriental International Research Institute. In quantitative trading, trading decisions are primarily made by algorithms or computer programs, rather than direct human intervention. This approach focuses on eliminating the interference of human emotions and improving the speed and efficiency of trading.

The main steps of quantitative trading include:

Data collection:

Collecting historical and real-time data, including prices, trading volumes, financial reports, news, etc., which form the basis of quantitative models.

Model development:

Developing models to forecast market trends using statistical methods, machine learning, etc. This may involve predicting stock price trends, identifying market timing for buying and selling, etc.

Strategy backtesting:

Testing the performance of trading strategies using historical data to evaluate their performance and risks under different market conditions.

Executing strategies:

Using algorithms to execute trades, which can be completed within milliseconds, greatly enhancing the speed and efficiency of trading.

Risk management:

Monitoring the performance of the market and strategies in real-time, adjusting strategies to control risks.


The advantages of quantitative trading include improving trading efficiency and speed, reducing trading costs, and reducing human errors and biases through data and models. However, it also has risks, such as errors in models and data that could lead to significant losses, and rapid changes in market conditions that may render models obsolete.